"Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God." Matt. 5:9
"21 Days Plus 3 MORE
Prayer & Fasting"
We believe that 2024 will be a year of renewal and breakthrough and MORE. To help prepare our hearts and lives for what God wants to do, we will be starting 2024 off with 21 days of prayer and fasting and then add
3 MORE (days).
TMP's 2024 Fast
This Fast will begin Monday, January 8th and end Wednesday, January 31st. We will gather together on Wednesday, January 31 on Zoom for a vision night to end our fast, worship together, and hear what God has in store for TMP Church in 2024. Fast ends at 8:30pm on 1/31/24.
Here’s to 2024 being the best year yet!
We believe God for MORE in ’24!
If you’re new to fasting or just need some fresh reminders, we’ve provided some basic info and tips in this guide to help you along the way.
What Is Fasting?
Fasting sounds really spiritual and may even sound intimidating. Yet fasting is something both basic and powerful. It is simply setting aside some of our distractions and comforts to seek God and draw closer to Him in a more focused and meaningful way.
Why Should I Fast?
Here are a few reasons:
• Jesus did it! Jesus fasted and we want to be like Him.
Also – if, as the Son of God, Jesus needed to fast, how much more do we?
• Fasting gives a greater sensitivity to spiritual things. Many people notice that as they turn the volume down on some comforts and distractions of the natural world and turn the volume upon on worship, prayer, and Scripture — there is an increased sensitivity to God’s Presence, voice, and will.
• There’s power in it! One time the disciples just couldn’t get the job done. No matter how much effort, it wasn’t enough. There was no breakthrough. Jesus’ response? “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21 emphasis added).” Combining the fire and gasoline of prayer and fasting can sometimes bring breakthroughs to what has seemed immovable for years.
Who Should Fast?
Anyone who follows Jesus. In fact, Jesus intended for people who identified as His followers to do this on some sort of regular basis. In giving His own fasting instructions one time, Jesus stated, “when you fast…” Notice He didn’t say if – He said when. (Matthew 6:16) He desires for it to be part of the rhythms of our lives.
Why Fast Now?
We believe order is powerful. How you begin your day affects your day. And how you begin your year can affect your year. We believe it’s powerful to give God “the first and the best” (what the Bible calls “first fruits”). Many churches and individuals from all around the world have seen untold blessings and even miracles by beginning the year with God – asking Him for vision and direction and seeking Him first. We win in life when we start with God.
What Should the Focus of my Fast be?
Whatever is on your heart! Get specific about your needs and desires. We have created a 21 Day Prayer Guide to help prompt you each day. Even better, the greatest point of fasting is God Himself. Jesus gave an analogy in Luke 5 about how His followers (the Bride) would one day fast when Jesus (the Bridegroom) is temporarily taken away before His return. In other words, like two people in love, fasting is a kind of inner getting-away-with-God in which we draw closer to Him in friendship, spend more time in His Presence, and lean our ears toward Him to hear His voice a little clearer.